During the final exam preparation, students find it difficult to understand about the study materials which would help them to score higher marks. In this case, the NCERT books which are suggested by CBSE itself covers all the topics providing in-depth knowledge. NCERT have been designing textbooks for students at primary and secondary level according to the latest CBSE syllabus and guidelines.
These books are curated by a set of expert faculty having vast conceptual knowledge, keeping in mind the understanding abilities of students. NCERT Solutions which are available for all the classes can be used by the students as a vital source of reference material to boost their exam preparation. The solutions will be beneficial for the students under CBSE board as it gives a clear insight of all the fundamental concepts.
NCERT books contain numerous questions and example problems to make it easier for the students to understand the concepts effectively. Memorising the topics without clear knowledge of basics will result in less marks in the annual exam. So a proper study material should be chosen by the students to grasp the topics which are important from the exam perspective.
Advantages of using NCERT Books are listed below:
- NCERT books strictly sticks to CBSE curriculum
The important thing about NCERT books is that these books are strictly created as per the latest CBSE guidelines. So learning the concepts using NCERT books will provide clear insight of each and every topic present in all the subjects. This will basically help students to answer more complex questions without any difficulty.
- Best reference material
These books are considered to be one of the best study material for all the students under the CBSE board. The subject wise textbook contains all the necessary formulas, theorems and important concepts which makes students well prepared for the exam. Practising all the textbook questions is sufficient for students to appear not only for the annual exam but also for competitive exams at state and national level.
- Questions in the exams appear from the NCERT books
It is important for the students to know that the question paper setters strictly follow the NCERT books while preparing papers for the exams. In order to score optimum marks in the final exam, students are advised to follow the NCERT books. If the students follow the textbook questions and practise them rigorously, they will be confident to ace all the upcoming exams.
- Time management
The exam preparation is a quite hectic task for the students. So studying the chapters using NCERT books will help students to analyse the important concepts from the exam point of view and work on them for a better academic performance.
- Boosts up revision
While studying the chapters from NCERT books, students must refer to a best study guide to understand the different methods that can be followed to answer a single question. Important shortcut tricks and tips are explained in a comprehensive manner to help students irrespective of their intelligence quotient.
No matter how hard you study, some students find it difficult to score well in the annual exam. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English can be used by the students while answering the textbook questions. The solutions are available both in chapter wise and exercise wise format to make it easier for the students while studying. The main aim of providing the solutions in PDF format is to help students to learn the topics at their own pace.